
Some authors have made their presentations available, in which case they are linked from the paper title.

Monday, Oct. 4th 2010 Tuesday, Oct. 5th 2010
8:30Registration 8:30Registration
9:00 9:00
  • Tutorial on SDL-2010
    Presentation and discussion on SDL-2010 which is currently under development.
    Rick Reed.
    Read more on this tutorial here.
  • Introduction to exhibits
10:30Morning Break 10:30Morning Break and Exhibition
 Session 1: Modularity, Composition and Choreography  Session 4: Code Generation and Model Transformations
 Chair: Daniel Amyot  Chair: Finn Kristoffersen
11:00 11:00
12:30Lunch 12:30Lunch
 Session 2: Application of SDL and UML  Session 5: Verification and Analysis
 Chair: Joachim Fischer  Chair: Reinhard Gotzhein
14:00 14:00
15:30Afternoon Break 15:30Afternoon Break
 Session 3: SDL Language Profiles and Evolution  Session 6: User Requirements Notation
 Chair: Jaqueline Floch  Chair: Ferhat Khendek
16:00 16:00
18:00Viking Ship Reception
(Requires registration)
18:00SDL Forum Society General Assembly
(For members)

Planned Exhibits and Demonstrations